Rochester Mansion- The Complete Series Read online

Page 28

  “When you cum.” Mike said, his words coming out in slow, sensual, and choppy sentences. “I want you to whisper my name. As it builds inside you, I want you to cry out my name. As it takes you away to a place you’ve never been before, I want you to know simply one thing.”

  He went silent for a moment and it was another moment before she noticed. Something was building inside of her and she was unfamiliar with it. If she thought of the build to orgasm as a road that was washed out at the critical bridge, something he was doing was taking her airborne, not even approaching the destination from the same direction.

  “What?” She groaned. “What do you want me to know.”

  His lips were moving, but sound wasn’t coming out. At first, she wasn’t sure if the odd pleasure building in her was blocking out all of her other senses, until he finally spoke out loud.

  “…cum for me. It will only be the first of many.”

  The rhyme seemed unintentional, but she had the feeling that it was just the end of what he had been whispering before she could make out the words.

  The first of many.

  Anna repeated the words in her mind, thinking that they were the most beautiful thought she’d ever heard. Mike was definitely a man who would go to the ends of the Earth to make her happy.

  The tingle cut off her thoughts, an interruption that couldn’t be ignored.

  It built like the crescendo of Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries, the notes becoming more and more defiant from bar to bar.

  Cymbals crashed, and Anna’s world suddenly changed.

  Chapter Seven

  Corey felt the heat between Rachel’s legs, felt the silken skin between her legs, and drew in the hot, sultry aroma of her body. Am I ready for this? Her body fortunately ended up being the mediator, instead of her mind. After what the gorgeous, young actress had done to her own body, it wanted to learn everything it took to bring someone else to that delicious state of ecstasy.

  “Just do what comes naturally.” Rachel whispered, running her fingers through her hair.

  Corey pressed her lips against the crease of Rachel’s leg, her hand cupped across the heat of the pulsing mount that was her ultimate destination. She wanted it. Her body wanted it and was rapidly convincing her mind that this was what she wanted. It was what she had always wanted. She knew she’d always want to share her bed with a man and the unique pleasures he could provide, but her body was telling her that she had been missing out on half the love she should have been able to win.

  As she tentatively pressed her lips against Rachel’s humid labia, she felt the fingers in her hair press her down, crushing her against the other woman’s flesh like an awkward first-kiss. Just as with that awkward moment, she was the only one of the two that could take on the bold role of the first partner to offer his or her tongue to sweeten the pot. It slid easily between Rachel’s lips and into a cacophony of sensory input. A sweet musk sprouted on her tongue as her nose drew directly from the flower from which the sweet scent she had previously enjoyed originated and a gasp of pleasure danced seductively into her ears.

  “That’s it, gorgeous.” Rachel nearly hissed, her voice soft and sluggish with desire.

  Corey squirmed as her initially timid exploration of the actress’s body turned to a hunger; a greedy desire to expose her, devour her, own her. It was as if her own clit were being touched, and not only that, but touched by an expert; an expert lover that had spent many hours caring about mastering her flesh, caring about driving her body wild with desire. Would she really climax from performing cunnilingus on a woman she had only met this evening?

  As it turned out, as Rachel’s tight pussy gripped at her fingers, muscles rippling and pulsing in orgasm; she did just that. The orgasm poured over her as she struggled to pleasure Rachel’s clitoris with her tongue. Feeling the younger woman’s body writhe at the pleasure of her own touch, Corey wanted more. Her fingers started moving in and out, defying the tight grip of Rachel’s still spasming pussy over and over again as her tongue and teeth went mercilessly in search of her sensitive clit.

  “Oh, God, Oh, God. Fuck me, Oh God!”

  Rachel’s voice rung out in Corey’s ears and she wondered how long it would be until the two of them would have company. They were making love like banshees in the middle of a Victorian mansion hosting a fucking gala ball, she thought.

  It didn’t do anything to slow the rhythm of her fingers, though.

  Chapter Eight

  Mike wasn’t sure if Anna had passed out but he desperately needed her. She rolled off him, slumping to his side with an audible sigh of pleasure.

  He was just turning to face her, desperate for thoughts of what to do when she sighed again, this time forming a few syllables. “Oh, fuck me.”

  Mike laughed, rolling on top of her. She groaned like an athlete after a hard workout, but with a smile…and a part of her sweet legs that allowed him to slip right back into the heaven of her core.

  “You said…” Mike said, kissing her.

  Anna broke the kiss, shaking her head. “I know, I know. ‘Fuck me.’”

  She broke out into a laughter that degraded along with his. Hers went down to a low groan while his became a rhythmic grunt as he thrust into her, aided by her tightly intertwined feet.

  “God, I love you.” Anna sighed.

  The sudden revelation of affection didn’t slow the rising passion building between their two bodies. As Mike briefly examined it, he came to a summary judgement.

  “I love you too.” He whispered, planting another hard thrust deep inside her and holding it, feeling their shared heartbeat where their bodies intersected.

  His cock was near the boiling point, constantly exposed to the oversized heat-source within her gorgeous body. As he kissed her, the heat intensified. He could feel Anna’s body tensing, preparing itself for orgasm as their bodies danced a dance that a choreographer would be proud of. The heat spread from his cock to his legs, creeping outward from the center of him. But it wasn’t him.

  It was her.

  Anna called his name sweetly, over and over like she was gently waking him after a long night’s sleep. She shook under him, vast waves of pleasure beating down her body’s ability to keep still. With a magic he hadn’t even intended, Mike felt the two competing moments split from one another.

  “Stay with me.” He whispered to Anna as he continued to move his cock in her body precisely the way it had told him to.

  At the same moment he raised his head and spoke to an empty room. “Onatah?”

  She looked every bit the innocent Indian maiden, but Mike knew very well that the vision of beauty that appeared before him was simply an image the daughter of the Earth-Mother chose to wear for his pleasure. She could be sweet, but was far from the Europeans’ whitewashed fairy-tales. She wasn’t an Indian maiden. Onatah was an Iroquois warrior.

  “Your skills have really grown, Mike.”

  Anna’s lips alternated between kissing his sensitive ears and whispering her devotion to him as he finally exploded inside of her, filling her body with a build-up of lust and desire that seemed far larger than he could have built so quickly. She seemed to savor every pulse of his cock, squeezing him tight to prevent movement that would distract from the sensation of him flowing into her.

  “I learned from the most beautiful creature in the world.”

  Onatah smiled. “You’ve made a wise choice with this one, Mike.” She said, her head gesturing generally, out there.

  “There’s something special about her.” He said, the words coming out almost reverently.

  Onatah finally arrived where he stood and immediately kissed him, her full lips taking his hard, apologizing for their harshness with the smoothness of her probing tongue. “I made her for you.”

  Chapter Nine

  Rachel closed her eyes and let out a groan that felt like it came from her toes as he entered her. Neither she nor, she assumed, Corey, knew where their knight in shining armor had come from, but the
shining armor had quickly found its way to the floor at the foot of the bed and he was currently splitting Rachel’s welcoming body open with a cock that seemed more magnificent every time she took it inside her.

  “Jesus, Mike.” She groaned as he repeated the stabbing motion that sent butterflies rumbling through a body empty of any other sensation. “Where the hell did you come from?”

  “I clearly remember telling you we’d meet up later.” Mike said, smiling down at her. She watched Corey’s hand tracing down the slope of his back and up the incline of his ass, taking a moment to squeeze the clenched cheeks as they thrust deep into Rachel’s body.

  Rachel sighed. “You’re an ass. You know that, right?”

  Mike just grinned as he found just the right angle, feeling it in a tightening around his cock. It was easily-repeatable.

  Rachel closed her eyes. “A total ass. A total, fucking, gorgeous ass.”

  She closed her eyes as she came shamelessly for him, feeling her body release, the sounds of his body hitting hers becoming wet and sharp. She watched him move off of her, though he had somehow pushed her into an orgasmic state that no longer required his touch. She marveled at it, trying to examine it as she languidly watched Mike quickly roll Corey to her stomach, painting his cock up and down between her legs a few times before generating a moan that rolled off her lips like cotton candy as he sunk deep into her body. The sound of it pulled Rachel a bit from the laudanum-like trance she hovered in. This was certainly magic. She debated it in her head for a minute as she watched the man she loved pound the desperate, blonde MILF into the mattress, wetness running between her thighs. She’d felt the orgasms produced by the magic that he held, but they had never been like this. This was intense and unfathomable and something she couldn’t determine the nature of.

  After a little more floating in the strange ether of her pleasure, Rachel decided that she would tell Mike that a little of that goes a long way and he wouldn’t want to make her an addict. She was trying to come up with the best way to tell him when she decided that she would lay down for a little rest first.

  She was already picturing the dreams.

  Chapter Ten

  Mike gripped her body, her hands tightly bound by his body against her chest as he thrust into her, pressing air from her lungs with each stroke.

  Onatah charged the energy he poured into her, taking her tribute and pulsing the rest out through her connection with the physical body Mike was embracing. She would call him down to the Source when his dues were again unpaid, but for now she simply meant to satisfy her desire for him in this form. Her body was Onatah’s to him, her breath her breath. When the young beauty in his embrace reached the pinnacle of what her mind could absorb, Mike moved on to the next, her body aching for his touch as well.

  The blonde that secretly longed for his wife was Mike’s next eager lover, taking him into her body greedily as he took her from behind. Onatah would settle her lust with this third lover, fourth if she counted the man she was making love to, the man to whom she had given the keys to Rochester Mansion those many months ago after it sat long vacant, searching for just a soul like him.

  As he rolled the MILF to her back and drove into her again and again with both his stabbing cock and hunting tongue, Onatah saw that he had almost reached his limit.

  “Not this one.” She whispered.

  She guided him to just the right vibration to bring the woman beneath him to a shuddering orgasm, holding his own at bay.

  Shifting her consciousness to the actress, peacefully riding in a state between consciousnesses, Onatah pulled back some of the energy she had poured into her, bringing her quickly back to reality. Her eyes burst open.

  “Mike?” She whispered, just as he entered her, giving her a sensation of soreness and pleasure that couldn’t be untangled.

  Onatah looked inward at the desires of the mind she inhabited. They were deep, but such was the magic she wielded. As if querying the girl’s inner-mind itself, she watched it nod in agreement. His mind had given the same assent, the same as he had given consent when it had been the sweet, new addition to his harem’s turn to receive his seed.

  Mike felt the heat in Rachel’s skin the moment he exploded into her, his body almost shuddering with each stunning pulse, firing into her with a need reinforced by evolution itself.

  “Yes.” Rachel whispered. It had been the same last word Anna had whispered in his ear before she, too, fell gently asleep to his gentle kisses.

  Chapter Eleven

  Anna’s body shuddered before eventually freezing up completely as he emptied himself into her body from behind, one hand’s fingers intertwined with hers as they rested on top of the mound her belly had become.

  “God, I love that feeling.” She groaned, twitching a little bit as her body regained its ability to move. She’d given Mike a veritable beating as he laughed when he’d joked that she was one of those fainting goats. It was only funny because he was right, and she fucking knew it.

  “Make your jokes.” She sighed.

  Mike sank his lips into the hairs at the nape of her neck, sending goosebumps fluttering down her spine like a spooked swarm of butterflies. Kaleidoscope. The word echoed in his brain. A kaleidoscope of butterflies. The girl in his arms, carrying his child had told him that.

  The magic that grew inside him was his own gift, from Onatah. It was turning him into an unconscious poet, a trait for which Aimee gave him Hell. His thoughts turned to words and the words turned into poetry. Her goosebumps fluttered down her spine like a spooked kaleidoscope of butterflies, he thought, a smile crossing his lisps.

  “No jokes.” He whispered to Anna, spooking the colorful cloud another time. “Only love. I’ll love you forever.”

  “Forever’s a long time, Mister Mike.” Anna said, stroking his cheek as she stared into his eyes.

  “I’ve spent a week that felt as if it only lasted an hour.” Mike said, staring into Anna’s eyes. They were a book he would never reach and end of in his lifetime, even if it were an eternity.

  He turned his thoughts to his wife, Eliza, and his love, Aimee. The fact his second-time betrothed would return and fully embrace her new partner was inevitable. The only question was how much she would love the woman that was now carrying a child she would always claim and defend as her own?

  Rachel’s return to Rochester Mansion was quickly anticipated as well. With her pregnancy in its final stages, any final work on her voice-acting shoot would have to be done from the studio Mike had built in the parlor for her.

  Aimee’s passion for Anna had struck hard and struck deep. Their first day left to themselves in the mansion they had taken giant’s steps between acceptance, curiosity, interest, and lust in just the first few hours; spending the remainder of the afternoon exploring each other’s interests as well as their bodies.

  Onatah looked on at all of them with a smile as she watched them, feeling the rewards of the love and passion she had generated between them. It radiated towards her, letting her bask in its glow.

  Words echoed in her brain as she passed the two pregnant beauties and the older woman who both loved and nurtured them. She tried to push them back but the pull of time against her made it inevitable. A river could not be dammed forever and neither could an essential force like the magic that flowed within her. Her thoughts passed to the strongest of them, the fiery-haired young woman with a maturity that far denied her years.


  The echoing words in her head finally burst from her lips with nothing but the barest of mechanics to make them understandable; nothing of herself in them.

  “Dues must be paid.”

  End of Loose Ends

  End of Rochester Mansion

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; About the Author

  Jason Hutchinson is the bestselling Kindle Erotica author of the series The Hookup App and The Wizard’s Apprentice. Currently living in the Midwest with his wife, Elizabeth, he’s a little hesitant to answer our questions regarding whether or not she’s considered his test subject. A grin is about the best we’ve been able to get out of him.

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