Rochester Mansion- The Complete Series Read online

Page 23

  She slid off the dresser and unconsciously adjusted her disheveled dress before realizing what she was doing. A moment later, it graced the top of the dresser previously graced by that perfect ass.

  “My turn.” She whispered, pulling a pillow off the bed to toss under her knees as she went down between his legs and looked up at him with lust in her eyes. “Not that I think I can pull off a performance like that one.”

  “I’m sure you’ll do just fine.” Mike whispered as he felt her Eliza’s hot breath on his cock.

  She did just fine.

  Chapter Four

  Mike stared up at the ceiling, feeling Eliza’s hot breath against his side. He followed the rhythm of it, realizing after a few minutes that he was breathing with her, their bodies synching up in their intimacy.

  Why the fuck was he here?

  He wasn’t really complaining about it, but somewhere in the real world the real Eliza needed him as well as Aimee. Was this some kind of test? Was it some way for him to pay his dues? He doubted that. Dues were something bad, weren’t they?

  No guidance came from the glint of Eliza’s nightlight on the popcorn ceiling above her twin bed.

  This hadn’t really happened. The two of them hadn’t gotten together until she’d effectively coached him through asking her out on a date during a literature class. He’d been pretty hopeless in those days, at least when it came to the fairer sex.

  He analyzed the situation as best as he could. What did he know about the mysterious entity that had possessed Sela and driven him back to The Source after Aimee and Eliza? He knew it was magical. Whether or not it was The Source itself was probably far more important than he had realized. The magic of the property was distinctly sexual in nature. For hundreds of years, its field had been used by men to get women in bed, even though it seemed to him that power was much less nefarious than he had originally thought. Aimee was a perfect example. Yes, the house had influenced her choice to open herself up sexually to him, but she had already been desiring that and hadn’t had the courage to bring it up.

  Kind of like this, he thought, pulling Eliza’s nude body tighter against his as she slept peacefully next to him. In this case, too, the magic had simply accelerated the inevitable. Historically, Eliza and he were destined to be together in college; the house had just altered things just enough for that to happen.

  It had to be. It took another three hours for everything to fall into place, and by that time, Eliza was stirring.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” He said, stroking her cheek.

  She opened her eyes and seemed startled for a half a heartbeat before recognizing him. Was she recognizing more than that one night we just spent together?

  “Shit, that was real, wasn’t it?” She said, her lips turning towards a smile.

  “Would that be a good thing or a bad thing?”

  “A good thing.” She said, her morning voice almost a growl. She shifted her body and a moment later was on top of him, the sheet draped around her waist. The heaven of her breasts was always one of Eliza’s best features. They rested there against her chest, nipples hardening to stiff peaks as she located his hard cock with her fingers, guiding him up into the wetness that was already there. Had she been awake against his chest measuring his breathing too? Her breasts pressed together as she put both hands on his chest, letting her body sink ever so slowly onto his shaft, her body pulsing against him in another echo of that same heartbeat.

  Mike simply stared up at Eliza’s beautiful face as she rode him gently, marking off each emotion as the heat between them mounted with the friction of their bodies.

  “I’m glad you didn’t say no.” Mike whispered.

  Eliza’s eyes seemed to focus out of the sensual trance she had been in. He regretted breaking it, but only for a moment.

  “Say no?”

  “To a kiss.” Mike responded, one hand trailing up her thigh from her knee where it was pressed against his side.

  Eliza blushed perfectly again; this time in the morning light streaming in through the cracks in the curtain. Another good light for her beauty, he thought.

  “I said ‘yes’ to a lot more than that, apparently.” She whispered. The look in her eyes was almost heart stopping. It was the look he grew to know as her blissful face. It had been the one he had looked down on after lovemaking and the one he had missed so terribly when they had been apart.

  Mike’s hands found Eliza’s hips, feeling the gentle undulations of her hips that were driving him closer and closer to the edge. He arched his own hips, changing the angle just enough to cause her clit to brush roughly against his pubic hair on each movement. With the additional stimulation, her own need quickly caught up to his own.

  “I’m going to…”

  Mike smiled at the whisper. She used to have such a problem saying that, he thought.

  “I’m close too.”

  Eliza nodded, then a moment later seemed to decide on something. “Cum inside me.”

  The taboo word itself seemed to combine with the situation, pushing her directly over the edge. Her thighs clenched on his as her body tightened, both inside and out. The pulsing inside her beautiful body seemed to know exactly what his cock needed and soon he followed along behind her, his body clenching hard with each spasm as he released deep inside her. She froze, coming down close to his lips, her face set with concentration as if she was trying to feel every blast he gave to her, memorizing the sensation.

  It was Eliza that initiated the slow, loving kiss as they remained still, each experiencing their own wash of hormones and emotions post orgasm; yet still sharing the moment together.

  Mike looked directly up into her eyes as he broke the kiss. “Will you marry me?”

  Shock immediately registered on her face. The only other response was a distinct clenching of the walls of her vagina around his slowly-fading cock.

  “Yes.” She whispered.

  Mike felt the tears running down his neck as she pressed her face into it.

  Chapter Five

  The cavern was not where mike expected to be when he next opened his eyes. Eliza had just rolled off of him, cuddling in tight next to him as they drifted off into what would have been a pleasant morning nap.

  Mike knew he was on a mission, and no matter how hard it was to leave that perfect environment, there were more important things for him to work on. He had spelled himself to Eliza and somehow he got the impression that it was what The Source had wanted. To a degree, he thought he understood the purpose of that happy vignette. It was the magic of the house, but somewhat done in reverse. Looking back on that fateful dance, he, or his friend Trent may have easily thought that it was magic that brought the two together so quickly and so intensely. The magic had been in Mike’s knowledge of what would be required to win her heart, gained the long way the first time around. The magic was just a shortcut. But that would mean that most people would sleep with each other if conditions were right, wouldn’t it?

  He had to push figuring out the details to another track of his mind. If that had been how The Source wanted to present Eliza to him, he needed to find Aimee as well.

  Red hair and addicting smile

  Take me to Aimee for the next trial

  Certainly not your best, Mike thought as he felt the cavern disappearing, even though he couldn’t actually see it through the oppressive darkness.

  As he waited for the sudden searing light to pass, Mike felt a sadness inside of himself that had not been there before casting the spell. It was heavy; a weight pressing against his heart. As bad as it was, though, he had the impression that it was healing. The pain of whatever wound had caused it had to have been rough.

  He knew what he would likely see when he opened his eyes because he had figured out the only thing so far in his life that had caused that much pain and why he was there to relive it.


  This was the pain that lingered even after Eliza had married Larry. He wasn’t here to see Eliza, th
ough. Just as the dance had been the first time he had ever seen the woman who was to be his wife, this was going to be the moment where he met Aimee.

  Mike felt the heat of the steering wheel under his fingers even before he opened his eyes. The first tentative glance between slitted lids proved his hypothesis. He was sitting in front of Larry’s suburban McMansion. He’d actually gone to the wrong door once because all of the houses looked the same.

  “Thirty-six-o-six.” Mike said out loud, remembering the address as he had forced himself to double-check after that embarrassment. He felt a bead of sweat running down his temple and realized that somewhere before he had magically arrived in this story, past Mike had already turned the engine off.

  “Let’s do this.” Mike said, not entirely convincing himself with his confidence as he walked up to the front door. If this was the day he first met Aimee, Eliza and Larry would be out of town. He was just supposed to pick up some signed paperwork, though ogling the eighteen-year-old beauty had been the most memorable outcome.

  Mike rang the doorbell, knowing now that even though she was out by the pool, the sound would echo through the outdoor speaker. The first time around, he’d debated going in through the back gate. Just as with the dance and Eliza, he wanted the first moment he saw her to be the same. After that, he would just trust his own judgement.

  The sound of the deadbolt being retracted brought mike back from his reverie. Those first few days with Aimee at Rochester Mansion had played through his mind. The excitement and the taboo of it had created a long-lasting memory. She was his wife’s step-daughter, after-all. There was zero relationship between the two of them, but that somehow still seemed scandalous, even without taking the age difference into account.

  His brain acknowledged that he wouldn’t have heard her footsteps. Partially because the young beauty walked gracefully as if she was on a cloud of air, but mostly because she opened the door in the bikini that had haunted his dreams for months after.

  Odd how you forget weird details, he though as he struggled to keep his gaze from leaving her face. She was beautiful and the love he felt for her came flooding back to him. The temptation was still there, though.

  “You must be Mike?” Aimee asked, stepping back. “Come on in. Sorry, my friend and I were out by the pool.”

  It was the barest invitation and Mike took advantage of it to glance down at the bikini.

  “It’s a good day for it.” He answered. Wasn’t that what I said the first time around?

  Aimee smiled. “Yeah, my friend and I were just…”

  The rest of the words ended up as a bit of background noise as Mike’s brain dealt with dual distractions. The first was that she had turned towards the dining room table to retrieve the papers he was there to collect. Her body was as incredible as ever, lush and full with just the right collection of curves to keep her off a model’s runway but make her enthusiastically welcomed in his bed. The second distraction was due to the fact that he had forgotten about Tiff. He’d met Aimee’s BFF that hot, summer day and she had exited his fantasies and entered Rochester Mansion close to a year later.

  “Come outside for a bit, you can meet Tiff.” Aimee said, and once again, Mike had to bring himself up out of reflection.

  Focus, he though.

  “Sure.” Mike said. So far, things had pretty much mirrored the first time around, though this time, he was in a little more comfortable place, at least mentally. Of course he had said ‘yes.’ The chance to not only follow this gorgeous young lady and allow his eyes to wander, but to get to see another one?

  Mike was happy with the repeat, even down to remembering her pulling the bathing suit out of her delicious ass as she walked, covering more but somehow making that glorious cheek even more delectable.

  The introduction to Tiff was the same, though just as a person catches additional details watching a movie for the second time, Mike caught new details. At first, he caught her glancing at his crotch as he turned to face her again, then again eyeing him up and down as he watched her in his peripheral vision. Aimee had a similar reaction, bolstering the confidence Mike already felt about the situation, as odd as it was.

  “I’m glad I finally got to meet you.” Aimee said, leading him back through the house.

  Mike couldn’t remember anything specific Aimee had said about that day when they had finally come together, but he did see her in his mind telling him with a smile that she had the hots for him since the moment she had laid eyes on him.

  “I mean, I know it kind of sucks about Liz and…”

  “Liz.” Mike said, interrupting with a smile. “She hates that.”

  Aimee laughed and touched his arm. He hadn’t noticed that the first time around. Had it happened?

  She gave a bit of a smirk. “I might know that.” She said. “Anyway, seems like she left her better half behind.”

  Mike did remember her saying that, but it had seemed like a nicety at best at the time. With his twenty-twenty hindsight, he saw a lot more sincerity in those eyes.

  “That’s nice of you to say.” Mike responded, touching her arm in nearly the same way she had touched his. “You’re certainly better looking than Larry in your own right. I’m assuming you take after your mom.”

  Aimee started to laugh. It went from a short burst to a long bout and the two of them were laughing side-by-side as it subsided. “I think we’ll get along just fine, Mister Mike.” She said.

  She had said that, Mike remembered.

  “When do they get back?” He asked as the two approached the front door.

  Aimee looked up at him, a bit of surprise and that sparkling mischievousness in her face. “Who, Liz and Larry?”

  “Liz and Larry.” Mike repeated with a sarcastic tone that made the corners of her mouth turn up even more. He could taste her lips on him and realized he had just wetted them.

  “Not till tomorrow.” She said, grinning. “Why? You think there might be some more stuff you’ll need to pick up?”

  Mike answered her question by scooping his arm around her waist, pulling her tight to him while lifting her small frame off the ground, bringing her lips within a breath of his. She had told him that the move was her favorite; it made her nearly swoon with the strength and the force of it.

  “Oh, well, that works.” Aimee sighed, closing her eyes as she leaned in to close the short gap between their lips.

  The kiss was immediately passionate, reminiscent of their first tryst at Rochester Mansion a couple of months back. A year from now, Mike corrected in his head. The last thing he wanted to do was somehow forget what timeline he was supposed to be in. Perhaps that was part of the challenge. Hell, he wasn’t even sure if what had happened with Eliza was the right thing to do, tough it certainly felt that way.

  This felt, well, outstanding.

  The moment Mike lowered Aimee to the floor she continued all the way down to her knees, making quick work of his pants with neither delay nor permission. Her delightful green eyes locked on his mere moments before her pink tongue expertly worked its way up from the base of his shaft to the tip.

  “This is going to have to be between me and you, okay?” She said, her eyes sparkling as she rolled the tip of her tongue around the head of his cock as she waited for her answer.

  Mike was trying to overcome his speechlessness as those lips slipped down over his eager cock, but someone answered for him.

  “Between the three of us.”

  Mike looked up from the dream-like vision below his waist to see Aimee’s incredible, blonde BFF standing in the kitchen doorway.

  “I didn’t think you’d have the balls for it, Aimee. Good for you.” She said, taking a few steps into the room as Aimee’s lips continued along the length of his shaft. Her fingers gave his balls a good squeeze as if in response.

  “So, this was a plan?” Mike said, staring at the beautiful college coed, water or sweat still trickling off her body. Her bikini barely covered a pair of smallish breasts; the bottoms cove
ring even less. She was leaner than Aimee but no more athletic. Her body radiated softness and flexibility while her face pulsed with that same sexy innocence Aimee had in spades.

  “I though she was joking, actually. Aimee usually isn’t so bold.”

  Mike’s hand found Aimee’s red pony tail as her lips slid back and forth across his cock, sending shivers down his spine. “Really?”

  “She said I’m going to get into those pants.” Tiff said, mimicking the redhead’s voice as she continued sucking his cock. She laughed. “I said, I bet you’ll just let him walk away.”

  With a little nudge of his hand, Mike forced his cock a little deeper into Aimee’s mouth, causing a spasm as he touched her throat.